
We provide ICT consulting services such as:

●     ICT strategy development
●     COBIT based ICT governance framework development
●     ICT governance advisory services
●     ITIL service management services
●     Enterprise architecture
●     Policy review
●     Digital transformation

These services are delivered to clients across various industries including utilities, public sector, energy, oil, gas and real estate. We create and implement various models, from once-off project support to retainer-based engagements.

What are the benefits?

The benefits to our clients include:

• Increased end user ICT service satisfaction
• The assurance of effective alignment between strategy, process, technology and people
• The alignment of ICT strategy with business strategy
• Reduced organisational costs
• Forward planning and fewer challenges in the execution of the ICT strategy
• Maximised ROI

Who does it benefit?

• CEOs
• Board of Directors
• CIO/ IT Managers
• System end users
• The client’s customers

Our Approach

We strive to assist you in strategically aligning your people, processes and technology through sustainable governance. Such alignment seeks to achieve successful implementation of solutions and ensure that your business benefits fully.