
Built on the SAP Public Sector Case and Records Management platform, this is an integrated case management solution. It encompasses most municipal processes from legal services to document management.

What are the benefits?

• The automation of critical processes ensuring efficiency and speed of processing municipal services
• Improved customer satisfaction and turnaround times
• Improved billing and lease management
• Effective municipal property management
• Improved monitoring of deferred maintenance on municipality-owned properties
• Capture customer interactions processes including documentation
• Status monitoring capabilities with the ability to highlight problem areas
• Real-time availability of application status to end users
• Full reporting and trend analysis on applications

Who does it benefit?

Organisations that deal with cases and large document-based processes.These include municipalities, national and pProvincial departments, state-owned organisations and more.

Core Features

Permit and Events Management (PEM)

This facilitates processes such as liaising with multiple stakeholders and assessing and approving events hosted within the municipality.

Debt Management

This case solution enables the Debt Management and Revenue departments to process the outstanding payments of property owners. It enables legal processes and integrates processing capabilities for municipalities and appointed law firms on the matter.

Electric Agenda Management (eAM)

The eAM solution is used to digitise, centralise and govern MayoralCommittee Member Meetings and Agendas, as well as to pre-check the items to be discussed.

Legal Services Online

This solution provides the legal service department of a municipality with the ability to process and track all legal matters initiated by or against the municipality. The system takes manual and SharePoint-driven processes to amore digitally integrated environment.

Contraventions Management System (CMS)

The CMS solution provides the framework to capture and process contraventions against the National Road Traffic Act and by-laws of a municipality. This is enabled via a mobile solution that is integrated via a restful service and back-end capturing capabilities.

Rates Clearance Automation

This case solution facilitates the processes involved in the sale of or transfer of properties. It enables third-party vendors and external conveyancing firms, via portal, to initiate, monitor and execute functions which need the municipality’s involvement to complete the sale and transfer of properties.This functionality allows municipalities to manage the sale and transfer of property through a defined process.

Rates Refunds Automation

This solution primarily facilitates the refund of payments made in lieu of the rates clearance process.  However, the refund case can be used to settle any SAP IS-U contract account. 

Informal Traders Space Management (ITSM)

The ITSM solution allows a municipality to allocate certain areas, typically parking bays, to be used by information traders.

Land Use/ Building Contraventions Case Management (LBCM)

The LBCM solution covers Land UseManagement, Building Development Management and the contraventions related to them. This solution also accommodates the processing of plans for large housing developments in batch form.

Correspondence and Complaints Management (CCM)

This solution allows for correspondence, reports, and complaints to be handled in a structured way. It allows for both an internal and external submission to take place with status management, document management, complaint-tracking, and circulation via Workflow.