
Zimele Technologies SAP IS-U Prepayment provides a new utility program that allows customers to prepay for their accounts. SAP Prepayment offers a Streamlined Monitoring Process for the Prepayment Customers and analyzes the Consumption in relation to the customer’s Balance. Fundamental to the SAP Prepayment solution is the implementation of smart meters for accurate frequent consumption and balance calculation.

What are the benefits?

• Revenue Assurance Revenue collection is improved and guaranteed upfront.
• Better Customer Experience whilst for consumers, it allows better control over water usage, reduced consumption, cost-saving, and increased transparency reflecting a clear link between daily water use and water spending which results in increased customer satisfaction.
• The reliable SAP Smart prepayment solution is built on a robust system that has been proven over many years and guarantees technical reliability.

Who does it benefit?

• Improved Cash Flow Yield benefit from interest bearing funds Reduced Dunning and Credit Control Activities.
• Customers will not experience bill shocks again as they are aware of their usage and the balance in their e-Wallet through notifications and access to a portal.
• Utilize the same data model, processes, transactions and tariffs Minimized training effort of staff by focusing on the few new prepayment specific functions.

Core Features

Prepayment Document

The central point of entry to display and collect all prepayment relevant data. It includes up-to-date information about the usage and payment details of a customer. Furthermore, it also enable debt recovery.

Account Balance Determination

Determine the account balance, payments, and usage of a prepayment customer.

Consumption Monitoring

Monitors the prepayment documents values and status. When a value reaches or fall below their pre-defined threshold, it automatically triggers the applicable event: Notify, Disconnect, and Reconnect.

Customer communication

Effective communication with customers by sending either an email or SMS to improve revenue collection and customer satisfaction.

Debt Recovery

A percentage-based or daily value-based recovery rate would be used to recover a certain amount of the outstanding debts from the incoming payment on the account.